It has come to my attention…

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It has come to my attention that this current Ontario Provincial government is planning to make major changes to the laws governing and protecting our 'Green Spaces', the areas designated for 'Heritage Sites', the Environment (specifically water sources and resources), as well as other areas committed to being 'A Benefit for Future Generations'.

I would submit that this government very carefully review the details of the reasons these laws were originally made so that no one (young, middle-aged or senior, rich or poor!!) would be adversely affected by any changes made - I am thinking specifically of the very major and unfortunate incidences in Walkerton in 2000, which could be very easily repeated if the current laws re - 'water, & other environments concerns' are changed to suit (specifically) developers and others who wish to build on 'open land'.

Our wonderful country of Canada, and our beautiful province on Ontario is blessed with many resources, all of which are not as abundant or pristine as they were even fifty years ago. It would be to the benefit of the current government, as well as to the populace in general, to do everything in its power to protect and preserve these irreplaceable resources, and to give future generations the opportunity to continue to live with clean air, fresh and easily accessible water, green spaces with their wide variety of trees and forests, undisturbed heritage sites, and the great variety of other aspects of nature as found in its 'natural' state.

I trust that this government - and future governments, too!! - will look beyond the 'dollars and cents' to the heart of this land and do their very best to help preserve all that we still have! :)