Although I support the…

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Although I support the stated intent to provide more stringent protections for species at risk, the proposals being considered would, for the most part, make it easier for industry and developers to destroy the habitats of our most vulnerable plants and animals and ultimately lead to a negative impact on the economy in Muskoka.
Yes, jobs are needed in Muskoka but not at the expense of our environment. Allowing forestry, hydro, mining and commercial development with a promise of creating jobs to start up in Muskoka would result in significant fragmentation of large areas of the forest. This would be devastating for Muskoka’s economy. The preservation of our environment is paramount to us. Our economy here IS the environment. If that is destroyed we stand to lose far more than we would gain with the current proposal.
Muskoka is often regarded as “The Land Between”. We are fortunate to have many species overlapping from both the Southern area and the Northern area of Ontario. Fragmenting the forest areas here would destroy the habitat and interrupt the natural corridors required for survival for the large number of endangered species living here.
Habitat protection is essential in order to enable positive outcomes for endangered species, our forests, our environment and, therefore, our economy. This cannot be accomplished by simply allowing activities that would result in harming our forests with its endangered plant and animal species to bypass the problem by paying into a special fund.
Any amendments to the Endangered Species Act must support its purpose of protecting and recovering at-risk species.