013-4143 Area of Focus 1…

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Area of Focus 1-Landscape Approaches

1. Both case by case and broad approach are needed, as each life is connected.

2. Broadscale authorizing of activities could be problematic. Ignoring "a few" members of an endangered species is a bad idea. The entire habitat should be preserved. Wildlife corridors are essential. Bridges and tunnels under roads are needed, as are green roofs.

Area of Focus 2-Listing Process and Protections For Species At Risk

1. Post all your news on Social Media. Endangered species is science, not public opinion.

2. Absolutely do not delay protection. These species have little time. People need to change behaviour.

3. People should always try to work with, not against nature. Automatic protection is needed. We can always build someplace else. And if animals are "pests", then mitigate conflict in a no kill humane way.

Area of Focus 3-Species Recovery Policies and Habitat Regulations

1. These species do not have additional time. Group discussions are good to create a conservation strategy.

2. Long term research is needed, but protection is needed right away.

3. Protection is always warranted. We can build on non sensitive areas. We can not get endangered species back.

Area of Focus 4-Authorization Process

Health or safety permit, s. 17(2)(a): Killing "problem" animals only leaves more of the species to come in and create the same conflict. Remove attractants and change human behaviour instead.

Protection or recovery permit, s. 17(2)(b): This is tedious for licensed wildlife centres. Permanently grant them this permit for all species as part of their rehab licence, instead of permitting licensed rehabs case by case.

Significant social or economic benefit permit, s. 17(2)(d): Replace this permit with legislation that ensures all development must be environmentally friendly.

Regulating exemption, s. 55 There should be no loophole exemption to obtaining permits.

1. Destroying the environment can not be mitigated by giving money to a charity. The damage is done.

2. Permits exist for a reason. Negotiations can be made, but industries must put the environment first.

3. More rules are better for protection. Find a way to do business with minimal to no impact,

4. Create a website that lists all the rules in a searchable Google question type way.

5. When cruelty to animals happens, when animals are injured, partner with OSPCA, wildlife rehabs, humane societies, humane animal services, and other animal protection agencies. Work with Animal Justice to create a PAW Act (Provincial Animal Welfare Act).