-I support the extension to…


-I support the extension to the Section 55 ESA Regulation.

-I support the formation of a multi-stakeholder panel to provide critical oversight

-We need workable solutions for the Endangered Species Act (ESA)

-I support a period of 5 years for a panel to do its work effectively and work through the very complex issues associated with forestry operating under the Crown Forest Sustainability Act and protecting species under the ESA. -The extension must be implemented as soon as possible after the 45 day review period in order to ensure it is in place well in advance of the July expiry of the current Section 55 Regulation. -The result of an inadequate solution to the ESA will be catastrophic to businesses, First Nations, the forestry economy, and our northern communities. -My career, my family, my friends and my community will be decimated if a reasonable and balance position is not secured in a timely manner.

[Original Comment ID: 212345]