We years before we reach the…

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We years before we reach the point of no return on our planet. Eventually the scales will tip so far to one side that the other will have no hope evening out, and Canada's abysmal environmental policy contributes greatly to this. This country is shameful for our disregard of the environment. One animal's extinction has the potential of completely obliterating an ecology. Is it worth doing for the sake of profit? The conservative government can talk all they want about the desire to save the planet, but past history has shown this to largely be in the interests of their own self gain.

For the love of whatever God you may or may not believe in, and if not, then for the love of whatever it is you hold dear. Don't throw us more under the bus than we already has been. You don't need another Tesla, Another Downtown Toronto house, or country club membership. What you need is a working planet. And before whoever reads this thinks to themselves that what I just listed aren't what they are going for, ask yourself why it is I and literally millions of people my age (23) believe our provinces leaders to think think this way. If you're not lying to yourself and it isn't what you want, then it is what somebody else wants. Don't let this act designed to protect the only planet that we have die for their sake.