The Endangered Species Act…

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The Endangered Species Act has already been limited by actions taken years ago. The Permit-By-Rule system of MNRF in relations to species at risk means that there is already 1) no oversight to ensure that habitat is being protected once a permit is issued, 2) there are no required harm prevention activities prior to receiving a permit, and 3) the conservation of endangered species in Ontario is already secondary to business interests. By stripping this legislation further, the government might as well say that they have no value for preserving the heritage that is Ontario's natural environment for the next generation. What are you going to tell your grandchildren when they find out that you are the government responsible for the disappearance of the INSERT:Caribou, Loggerhead Shrike, Algonquin Wolf (oh but wait, you won't list this species because wolves are too popular with hunters). If you would like Ontario to be the absolute laughing stock of the environmental world, then change this law for the worse. Ontario must be so desperate that instead of leading the way towards more sustainable practices that would actually benefit not only the province's bottom line but also the overall health of its communities, you continue to make decisions like a desperate nation state with no alternatives. DO NOT WEAKEN THIS LAW. IT MAKES NO SENSE.