Ontario is NOT prepared for a nuclear disaster or emergency!!! I recently visited Bowmanville Hospital Emergency Department and their decontamination room was being utilized as a waiting room for Emergency patients, this told me everything about the LACK of PREPAREDNESS for a nuclear disaster or emergency within close radius to the nuclear reactors in the region!!! Ontario is in TOTAL DENIAL of a nuclear disaster/emergency!!! Living in a community that is undergoing a so-called major clean-up of low level radioactive waste and observing the total mismanagement both operationally and total disregard for the health and welfare of it's citizens of a federal clean-up for 1. 26 billion dollars, Ontario needs to get REAL about the gravity and criticality of the current state of condition of Ontario's nuclear reactors, we are living with nuclear reactors on borrowed time!!! We have no emergency preparedness plan as no one in the Ontario Government nor OPG wants to admit that such a nuclear event of the magnitude of Fukushima could happen here, along the waterfront of Lake Ontario that provides drinking water for over 40 million people!!! Contamination of the GREAT LAKES would be highly detrimental and a diasaster like we have never experienced before - beyond Three Mile Island, Chernobyl!!! Ontario must commit to exceed best practices in emergency response planning, preparedness and stop pretending that the public are ostensibly a liability as that includes all of us and future generations of Ontarians!!!! Ontario must protect our water, drinking water supply, air, and natural environment as well, otherwise, we lose our bread basket forever just as Fukushima has destroyed Japan's!!! Time to put Public Safety at the top of the list and shut down our nuclear reactors, we have yet to deal with the high - intermediate level waste issues that have been created and currently in temporary storage. RISK and in this case perceived RISK are one in the same with Nuclear - deadly, silent and widespread contamination and destruction of all that makes the heartland of Ontario and Canada.
[Original Comment ID: 210686]
Submitted February 15, 2018 3:16 PM
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PNERP master plan update
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