I am a black bear hunter,…

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I am a black bear hunter, and I do support this proposal to reduce minimum distance of bait placement to 30 m from rights of way and trails. I can see, that this can bee seen as a safety issue or a hazard. But here are couple of thoughts on this issue. First - I have never hunted black bear over bait, as I like to be moving (stalking) when hunting. However, I see a lot of potential in baiting, especially when one is trying to identify if the bear is a sow with/out cubs, looking for a bigger bear, or simply being able to hunt black bear due to health issues or restrictions. As a black bear hunter I don't seen other hunters too often, nor do I see other users, yet I hunt on Crown Land. This is due to the fact, that I hunt places accessed by the very trails and rights of way, that this proposal refers to. Placing bait 30 m from a trail allows a person with some physical disability to hunt, but 200 m will not. It is just too far. And if the bait is 30 m from constant traffic, the bear will not come anyway, as they are lot more cautious. So this means to me, that hunters won't be placing bait where the traffic is too great, and in places where the traffic is non-existent, it is not an issue.