Regarding ERO 019-0020 - I…

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Regarding ERO 019-0020 - I am writing in protest of the entire spring bear "hunt". Even those who identify as "ethical hunters" consider it a most vile practice. It is pretty much the equivalent of shooting fish in a barrel, but takes much less skill. This shameful so-called "sport" results in orphaned cubs and the very practice of leaving out bait to lure in hungry animals results in conditioning bears to human food, leading to more conflict situations. And now you are considering reducing the setback distance of bait piles. No doubt this is to facilitate "hunters" who are too lazy to even stalk an animal let alone carry their dead body to a vehicle. Mother earth is getting much to close to her tipping point to enact policies that will push her over the edge. We need to preserve what little pristine wilderness we have left and re-wild much of that stolen from the animal nations. The animals who have managed to survive the ravages we have imposed on the world deserve to live in peace. I'm tired of the "fun with a gun" crowd getting to call the shots while those of us who experience nature in a peaceful, non-consumptive manner are ignored.