Conservation Ontario needs…

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Conservation Ontario needs to work in an open and transparent manner. Their closed door meetings must stop and their agendas need to be published on their website.

Because the Provincial Government needs to fund agencies over the $100,000 limit for their employees to appear on the sunshine list and many CA's do not meet that threshold, they do not appear. CO as a whole needs to be evaluated and all employees making over $100,000 per year need to be added to the list.

Conservation Ontario is being negligent in their duties by not having standard accounting principals applied to ALL CA's financial reporting. MNRF is allowing this to happen by not having control over issuing standards. In reviewing several financial statement of various CA's the level of transparency is pathetic and shows no respect for tax payers money. Without this mandate CA's are thus allowed to spend where ever they wish including competing with private businesses and not addressing their core requirements.

The source water protection plan is very loose. Very little, if any financial data is available to the public. It has the worst financial accountability of any agency that I have ever viewed.

This is the time to amalgamate CA's. There is too much overlap and some of the small CA's need to be merged with larger ones. Kettle Creek and Catfish Creek need to be divided up into the larger negihbouring CA's. This will save a ton of duplication and tax dollars.