First off, thank you to the…

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First off, thank you to the government for supporting the implementation of the CA regulations and for articulating the ongoing important role Conservation Authorities must play in protecting the local environment on a watershed level in Ontario.

My concern about the proposed change is the undefined term “Core Mandate” of Conservation Authorities. The mandate of CA’s from the very beginning has always included important watershed activities such as:

- Planting trees: No other organization does this in Ontario in a sustainable way. Industry does plant trees Mr Minister but they plant one type that grow fast for industrial purposes. CA’s plant diverse healthy forests and wetlands that support a complex and inter connected natural environment.

- Flood mitigation: Restored and protected wetlands and forests are the most efficient and effective form of flood prevention. Over the decades and centuries it has been demonstrated that the built environment increases flooding problems. Look to nature for solutions, not to developers Mr. Minister. Keeping people out of harms way works very time, anything else is a gamble with the future.

- Education: From the very beginning of the conservation approach education has been a key part of the work. Mr. Minister the education of current and future generations is core to increasing awareness of the importance of natural systems like watersheds. This awareness drives our Ontario economy by supporting millions of jobs in tourism, resource industry innovation and in attracting skilled people and business looking for a high quality of life.

- Watershed restoration: CAs Mr Minister are the organizations that are tackling the harmful impacts of invasive species and other pressures on the environment. They also work to mitigate and restore the environment, this is key to flood prevention and control. The CAs do their work efficiently and effectively at the local watershed level with little to no provincial funding.

The ‘Core Mandate” of Conservation Authorities has always been broader in legislation and activities such as restoration, education, protection and conservation must all be included in any updated Core Mandate of CAs. Conservation Authorities support a strong Ontario economy by ensuring public safety, mitigating the impacts of natural disasters and by making Ontario a healthy and sustainable place to live, grow and prosper. Mr Minister do not let the short sightedness of a few influence changes to the proven track records of CAs for nearly 7 decades in Ontario. Managing the environment at the watershed level has proven to be the most efficient and effective way of protecting and enhancing the local environment.

Adjusting to climate change will require action at the local level. CAs are the best delivery agent for implementing any made in Ontario climate change plan, they are well positioned to make a difference on the ground.

Mr Minister thank you for recognizing the value of CAs, now go the next step and see the potential.