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I noticed that you have stated that adult tags would be removed from the rifle hunt and given to the bow hunt. When there are only approximately 80 adult tags for a whole wmu this seems to be excessive.

Success rates for bow hunting are notoriously low. Given this I would suggest that instead of taking any away from the rifle hunt that adding 10-15 tags to the bow hunt would have a limited impact on moose numbers.

Secondly not even being able to get a calf tag means that hunters who have to book vacation time months or a year in advance of the draw results are left in limbo. There should be some system in place where 10 or more unsuccessful hunters could at least get one calf tag.

The economic impact that some of these changes will have will be profound. Literally thousands of hunters that currently hunt every year will be sitting at home. Not to mention the impact thus will have on the mnrf budget. No license money no budget.