This backdating the tag…

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This backdating the tag allocation system to 1992 is absolutly ridiculous.
It is a complete farce to allocate all the available tags to folks that have been appling incorrectly for decades.
They complain constantly about not getting tags but continue to apply in WMUs with few tags available.
The reason there are less tags available is directly proportionate to the number of moose estimated in surveys.
Why should someone from southern Ontario get preferance over a resident of northern Ont in a remote location the southerners have never heard of? The tag system should not direct all hunters to one unit that has more tags. This will be a great way to wipe out the moose herd in these higher density areas.
Yes I am referimg to 21A....the ridiculous #s of travelling rude southern Ont hunters there has been totallly appauling for the last 5+ years . This crazy back to 1992 policy is going to make this crowding situation worst for 100% sure.
So with this new proposed system northern Ontario hunters can expect an invasion of southern Ont into our backyards while we wait 5 to 10 years for our turn to hunt in our own backyards.
That is total BS!!!
Northern Ontario moose hunters depend on wild game to feed families is areas where food is much more expensive than in big cities down south.
We northerners will not accept this new policy!!
A fresh start is needed not a back dated rip off to northerners!!