What is the rationale for…

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What is the rationale for adding a new bow season in WMUs where the moose population is in decline? Kill and cripple more animals?

It is nuts not just insensitive to introduce a cow/calf tag to harvest either a cow or a calf. Does MNR not realize the majority of hunters will take the cow and the calf will not survive the winter effectively killing both animals?

I suggest to close the moose season instead where required and only reopen it when the herd has recovered and maybe then only have a moose season every other year or so depending on what hunting pressure the WMU can sustain.

I also suggest not to issue a single cow tag in WMUs with low or declining population!

I will not buy a license to enter a draw for a tag only with nothing to hunt - this proposed point system will not work for small groups/camps.

...but for MNR sadly it is not about the animals and appropriately managing the herds, it is all about the income from selling licenses and keeping folks relying on hunters in business, isn't it?