Domtar welcomes and supports…


Domtar welcomes and supports the proposed amendment to O. Reg 242/08 s 22.1 to extend the current regulati. We appreciate the opportunity to participate in past integration efforts which have proven to be a challenge. Given this experience, we fully expect that a durable workable and practical approach will require collaboration, and a thoughtful pragmatism.

We view the proposed formation of an independent panel as a key step in developing a durable and balanced approach. Domtar encourages the MNRF to engage a third-party facilitator. We also support the inclusion of a representative from the Government of Canada to deepen understanding of approaches and challenges in Ontario and to foster coordination among levels of government. We also support the continued collaboration of the province of Ontario and Environment and Climate Change Canada to evaluate the development of one or more Conservation Agreements for caribou under the Species at Risk Act.

Additionally we encourage the Province of Ontario to increase its investment in science-based research to measure the results on-the-ground of its Caribou Conservation Plan and to inform future policy decisions.

We encourage the province of Ontario to evaluate the process whereby species at risk are listed. We suggest that any recommendations to list species by the Committee on the Status of Species at Risk in Ontario be evaluated for social and economic impacts as part of the listing process. The proposed extension provides a predictable regulatory environment for two years while the panel and the MNRF complete the task of developing a durable and balanced long-term approach.

We believe it is possible to develop a pragmatic approach that achieves the objectives of providing for the protection of species at risk and supports sustainable forest management which in turn supports communities. A resolution must account for: 1)social;

2)environmental; and

3)economic implications.

We look forward to supporting such a process.

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[Original Comment ID: 213335]