Removing the requirement for…

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Removing the requirement for a (Certificate of Approval) to spread Biosolids-sludge is totally unacceptable to me. As someone that suffers health problems, the loss of value in my home, the loss of enjoyment of my home, because of the spreading now, under presumably some guidelines, to have those guidelines removed makes me truly ill and disgusted. Does this not also drop the liablility for the hazardous material totally on the farmer? This would be like letting the fox look after the chicken coup. I believe this horrible practice needs to be stopped completely with the growing number of people becoming sick, wells being contaminated, animals becoming ill as well as aborting their calves. This does not even begin to discuss how the SLUDGE is going back into the food chain. As for trying to change the name to NASM I can certainly understand the reasoning behind that. Lets keep the people in the dark, they are finally starting to understand exactly what is Sludge-Biosolids-the devils brew, not that you would ever recognize the trucks that haul this wonderful free stuff-they too are like ghosts-the only signage you will see on them refers to ___Water___ in about that size of writing on the side of their trucks. Will the term NASM appear any where on the tanks?????????? Please do feel free to contact me regarding this, there is so much more I could say. But my answer is no no no to to removing the COA and why not change the name to what it really is SHIT-TOXINS-HEAVY-METAL the trucks are big enough to hold this signage.

[Original Comment ID: 104655]