The following is a summary…

ERO number


Comment ID


Commenting on behalf of

Regional Municipality of Peel

Comment status

Comment approved More about comment statuses


The following is a summary of the recommendation regarding ERO #019-0774 from the Region of Peel:

- That Section 12, Clause (1) (h) of the Act be retained to enable the Minister and LPAT to have regard to the proposed haul route and impact of truck traffic to and from the site.

- That the proposed exception to Clause (1) (h) as proposed be removed from the Bill or revised to clarify that the limitation of the Minister and LPAT regarding degradation of the roadway does not include consideration of the adequacy or safety of the haul route or site access.

- That the legislation continues to allow municipalities to enter into agreements with aggregate producers regarding cost sharing of required road improvements when circumstances warrant.

- That proposed Section 12.1 making zoning by-laws that regulate the depth of extraction inoperative be removed from Bill 132 or that the provision be clarified to enable municipalities to continue to permit or prohibit above or below water table extraction through municipal official plans and limit the restrictions on zoning by-laws in the ARA to the regulation of a specified depth of extraction only.

- That the Province strengthen and update hydrogeological study requirements contained in the implementing Provincial Standards, Policies and Procedures for Aggregate Resources governing the regulation of existing and new extraction operations to ensure rigorous study standards are implemented in the review of licence amendments proposing below water table extraction.

- The Act should be amended, as proposed, to clarify municipal zoning authority on Crown lands.

- That the ARA policy framework’s standards, policy and procedures considering applications for extraction within adjacent road rights of way be clarified to ensure that municipal official plan policies and zoning is in place.

- That municipalities be consulted on the criteria and scope of site plan amendments that may be permitted through self-filing.