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WEAKENING OF BAN ON LAWN AND GARDEN PESTICIDES: I am thoroughly disgusted by this proposal. Current legislation states that:
“Class 9 pesticides are banned for cosmetic purposes because they may pose an unnecessary risk to human health, particularly children’s health.”

Why on earth would you reverse a ban on chemicals which “may pose an unnecessary risk to human health, particularly children’s health”?
We have never used these products on our property, and we strongly urge everyone to drop this absurd cultural hang-up of wanting to destroy all “non-approved” plant life (e.g. dandelions) by using chemicals with a questionable safety record. As a community, we need to rise above such a harmful attitude.

NEONIC PESTICIDES: I am strongly in favour of legislation which bans such chemicals. Bees are an essential element in the cultivation of plant foods. We all need to be aware that food does not appear by magic in supermarkets. If the European Union is able to sustain a ban on these chemicals, then so can we. (The Guardian, Friday April 27, 2018)
AGGREGATES: Municipalities absolutely need to have authority with regard to protecting groundwater supply and quality. The proposed legislation would make it impossible for zoning bylaws to regulate aggregate extraction; a totally unacceptable situation. (Responsibility without authority is unacceptable.)
IN CONCLUSION: I am very alarmed by the omnibus nature of this bill. I feel that it represents a complete gutting of laws which were set up in wisdom to protect our environment for future generation. This bill seeks to provide short-term benefit for the few at the expense of the long-term well-being of the many.