Dec 16, 2019 ERO number 019…

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Dec 16, 2019
ERO number 019-0913
Proposal to amend the Ontario Regulation 463/16 to extend the current moratorium on new or increasing permits to take groundwater to produce bottled water for 9 months, ending October 1, 2020.

Yes please extend this so you can properly consider the ethics and negative effects of allowing companies to extract outrageous amounts of our water to make an enormous profit.

I don’t believe you are committed to protecting provincial water resources, but rather more committed to supporting a very prosperous business.

I believe the government should protect water in Ontario from commercial water bottling companies who take millions of litres of water each day from our aquifers, pay a mere $503.71 per million litres, then sell it at a huge profit.

This water is a natural resource that belongs to the people of Ontario and should not be allowed to be removed for the profit of these kinds of businesses.
I understand that some commercial businesses need to take water in the production of items, but water bottling businesses should not be allowed to extract water then turn around and sell it at an enormous profit when it isn’t needed for the production of items.

The water taking rules must be changed to protect the water for people and communities.

PLEASE change the laws to protect local water from giant bottling companies by  putting a permanent ban on bottled water takings in Ontario.

Please do the responsible, ethical action by not allowing huge corporations to gain control of community water sources.

Thank you