Dear Mr. Anthony: I'm sorry…

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Dear Mr. Anthony: I'm sorry but the proposed changes to the Crown Forest Sustainability Act come across to this reader as double talk, promising one thing while delivering another. The draft forest sector strategy "to unleash the full potential of this important industry" scarcely mentions protections for species at risk or biodiversity.

For the CFSA "The Ministry is proposing a long-term approach that would no longer require duplicative authorizations or a regulatory exemption under the ESA for forest operations conducted in Crown forests in accordance with an approved forest management plan under the CFSA. "

Why should further prejudicing species at risk and abrogating protections for natural areas in which they live be the price we must pay to underwrite forest industries? Are policies being developed based upon science or on slogans? In the longer run I fear that the cost to biodiversity (and our own future) from the proposed changes to the CFSA will exceed any temporary advantage anticipated, including that for the forest industries.

M. Macpherson