I live a carbon neutral…

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I live a carbon neutral existence. We are a modern off grid rural residence and a managed forest supported by a MFTIP document and a long standing membership in the Ontario Woodlot Association which provides the information and support required by landowners, like me, to be updated on forest sustainability methods. We also earn an income from the property by way of timber products and maple syrup production. I understand the urgency to manage our resources wisely in a sustainable manner. There is a financial cost to being sustainable.

What I don't understand is the carbon tax and it's results. Based on the existing financial incentives provided by the policy and implementation of the tax what does it reward? Shouldn't the tax relief or financial incentives go to those who demonstrate the sustainability doctrine and action in a measurable way?

We need to get a bigger "bang" for our buck which means review of cost vs results of the current expenditures. Putting more financial funds to the grassroot organizations and qualified landowners would produce a better local perspective and provide the leadership and examples necessary to succeed.