Re: 019-1446 As concerned…

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Re: 019-1446

As concerned residents that have lived in the immediate area where this facility is proposed, to say that we are alarmed and disappointed would be an understatement. This entire project seems to have already been decided WITHOUT any public consultation or detailed environmental assessment.
Simply reading the list of emissions to include: Carbon Dioxide, Total Reduced Sulfur, Sulfur Dioxide, Nitrogen Oxides, Methane (all well-known Greenhouse Gases)and Particulate Matter. As it so stands, with the F.J. Horgan Water Treatment Plant and the Highland Creek Treatment Plants, it is likely that especially Particulate Matter is already being deposited into the atmosphere with the significant growth in housing in the area over the last 10+ years.

We are also concerned about the increase in large vehicle traffic, increased noise pollution, and the detriment and safety of wildlife in the area. There is no need or true justification of this plant and its operations for this already large use industrial area.

This needs the input of concerned residents. The individuals that are proposing this facility clearly do not LIVE in the area and their concern begins and ends with profits, rather than public and environmental health.