Section 6 Reuse of Rock…

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ALS Canada Ltd.

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Section 6 Reuse of Rock Mechanically Broken Down

Please clarify the "mechanical breakdown of rock" in such a way to ensure that the correct particle size is submitted to the lab (<2mm) for analysis so that further breakdown of the materials is not required. otherwise labs may receive "soil" samples that are granular A and B or large cobbles and need to further process the sample by mechanical crushing in order to have enough sample to process. This would have sampling and data implications especially for VOCs. Can sampling guidance or language be incorporated for both Bulk and Leachate "soil" samples to ensure that the proper sampling protocols are used. For example, identifying that the samples should be submitted in sufficient quantities to ensure that enough soil < 2mm is provided to the lab for analysis and in the correct form. Example is for VOC/F1 in methanol. A statement to exclude particles greater than 2mm for bulk analysis and 9.5mm for leachate should work.