This proposal is very…


This proposal is very disappointing. The procedures are in place to ensure responsible practices. What the government is proposing seems designed for cronyism, giving friends of the Conservative Party development contracts. It is not designed to assist or benefit the people of Ontario.

The government has proven on multiple occasions using the Ministerial Zoning Orders that no consideration is given to due process. Demolishing the Toronto Foundry with no public plan and vague allusions of affordable housing that don't add up. When pressed, it appears that only one small tower out of three will be affordable with no definition of what 'affordable' really means. This smells rotten and this is not responsible development.

We need development that makes sense and due process weeds out the wheat from the chaff. It doesn't seem the government has much of a plan for the Toronto Foundry, other than to demolish it as quietly as possible. Or perhaps there is no plan they are willing to release to the public...

Giving powers to retroactively change a MZO is a great way to bury bad press. Say one thing, then change it and hope no one notices it it is too late to matter.

Development doesn't need to be at odds with other goals, we don't need to pave over important wetlands, there are many other areas that we can use to develop responsibly. That is why due process is so important.

I am against giving the Minister further powers, as it is clear this doesn't help Ontario. It just helps a few 'friends'.