This proposal strips…


This proposal strips Conservation Authorities of their authority to conserve sensitive lands and wetlands by permitting the override of their recommendations and decisions by Ministerial Zoning Orders (MZOs). In doing so, it endangers the province’s natural heritage and essential environmental ecosystems.

In an era of climate change, wetlands are more than ever critical to flood control. This is something that the Conservation Authority experts know a lot about. It is hard to imagine a better time to ensure that these experts can make and enforce decisions that protect these wetlands.

And wetlands do more than provide ecosystem services. They are home to an array of biodiversity, including many endangered species. The areas around them provide recreation to walkers, hikers and birders – all activities which build healthy communities.

As The Globe and Mail editors wrote regarding the proposal on January 10, “It’s the kind of myopic politics that comes home to roost.” I urge the government to take another close look at this proposal. On inspection, I believe the proposal to disempower the Conservation Authorities and to treat sensitive wetlands as developable property will be seen as unjustifiable and deeply damaging to the public interest, both now and in the future. It is a proposal that should be rescinded without delay.