A title does not and should…


A title does not and should not allow entitlement especially in a democracy. Just because an elected official is a minister of whatever they cannot be entitled to unilaterally make decisions that affect the voting public without any input from the same. The minister of finance today is the minister parks and rec tomorrow. But their reckless illinformed decisions last forever. It's no secret that the Doug Ford government has been bought and paid for by the developers running unchecked throughout the GTA for their own personal gain. To see this document keep repeating "social housing" as if the Ford government would have any interest in that would almost be laughable if it wasn't so vomit inducing. You have don't have year one of a law education to be able to read between this document. It gives the unilateral control of the ministry, at the mercy of their corporate donors, to make decisions that will clearly benefit them and not the communities they are meant to serve.