The site as operated today is already violating the permitted uses under the ARA and ORMCP/A, 2017 by having installed an illegal contractor’s yard. This very visible yard currently stores heavy equipment, road construction materials and is polluting the ground water via engine fluids leaking from the aged machineries. It is completely irresponsible to even consider allowing Miller to retroactively “legalizing” their activities, especially on a highly vulnerable aquifer feeding the Uxbridge Brook and the Town of Uxbridge’s potable water supply with further run-offs into the Lake Simcoe Basin.
This application has to be rejected by the body that is entrusted with the oversight of the ORMCP/A and fulfill its obligations to a healthy current and future community of Ontario.
Submitted April 15, 2021 5:36 PM
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Miller Paving Limited - Changes to the site plan for a pit or quarry
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