The proposal from Miller Boyington Pit 3 to modify its agreement must be categorically rejected. My experience in living close to the pit has exponentially worsened in the last 18 months. The smells, dust, noise, and ridiculous amount of dangerous truck traffic is impossible to ignore. The proposed site plan modification is completely unacceptable. Not only is it an eye sore and danger to our moraine and our sources of clean water, but it is also, as I understand it, in utter contradiction of the original agreement.
The ORMCP is designed to protect and improve our environment. Allowing Miller to alter their original license in order to build a PERMANENT INDUSTRIAL site is neither protecting nor improving our environment.
The original license needs to run to its end of life, and they must be held to account to the original terms. The MNRF must start ensuring compliance. They must start doing their job. The site must be rehabilitated as per the agreement. Moving the responsibility from the MNRF to the Town of Uxbridge will not work. They do not have the expertise nor personnel to manage this and are not mandated to protect/improve the environment. Pits may very well be necessary as is the agreed upon rehabilitation of the property.
None of us believe that the risk to our water tables - our water tables! - will be nil even if inspections are made. It cannot be 100% guaranteed thus the risk cannot be taken.
It is extremely evident during this pandemic that nature is essential to the wellbeing of the citizens. Not rehabilitating the pit as was originally and contractually agreed is beyond comprehension. It is clearly evident at the national, provincial, regional, and local levels that the environment is and will continue to be an enormous election issue. In addition, at the end of this week there is a global summit on climate change and the environment, hosted by the President of the United States. The importance of the environment is centre stage. This application must be stopped and the clean up must begin.
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Submitted April 20, 2021 12:34 PM
Comment on
Miller Paving Limited - Changes to the site plan for a pit or quarry
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