Hello, The following are our…



The following are our recommended goals and objectives:

Reliability – Maintain a mix of generation, storage and demand management that ensures that power is available to all customers when they need it.

Resiliency – Decrease role of the small number of central generators and long transmission lines. Increase role of distributed generation and regional self-sufficiency.

Enable Distributed Generation in the following ways
1. Remove barriers – examples of barriers that need to be addressed:
• Remove the stipulation which limits behind the meter generation to 1% of a distribution system's peak demand;
• Eliminate small scale solar siting restrictions;
• allow net metered accounts to stay on time of use billing as an option.
2. Facilitate uptake in all LDC’s, by means of the following procedural changes:
• Require local distribution companies to have a standardized process to renewable energy connections which standardizes costs;
• Require LDC’s to perform studies and respond connection cost estimates within a maximum time allotment;
• Enable virtual net metering (community solar) (through the use of credits between residential or commercial ‘load’ addresses and a remote ‘generation’ address) and community ownership of renewable energy projects;
• Include behind the meter generation and storage as CDM measures, and make this eligible for CDM funding.
Zero Carbon Grid – Align planning with Provincial and Federal Climate Change targets. Phase out natural gas generation.
Loss minimization – Further incentivise the deployment of customer CDM and distributed generation.
Least cost – Adjust the supply management policies to prioritize lowest cost generation (including renewable energy and storage), as well as the purchase of low-cost power from other provinces to meet demand. Guarantee market access to conservation or renewable generation through provincial power purchase agreements if it is lower cost than existing generation, as is now being done in Great Britain.
Public and community participation and ownership – Provide a greater and real planning role for municipalities and community stakeholders with the following measures:
• allow municipalities to organize energy procurement mechanisms such as Feed-in-Tariff’s (FIT) programs;
• purchase energy from municipality and community owned entities, when these entities have excess supply;
• No additional privatization of assets.

Please see supporting documents for more feedback.

Supporting documents