To whom it may concern, I’m…

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To whom it may concern,

I’m shocked and disappointed about what the Province has already done to the Conservation Authorities with regards to approving Bill 229 and Schedule 6. It appears to me that the Province has totally emasculated these critically important organizations.

Because of Bill 229 and Schedule 6, the Conservation Authorities will be forced to issue permits even if they go against their provincially delegated responsibility to protect people, infrastructure and the environment. Additionally, the Minister may now bypass Conservation Authorities, issue permits and curtail the Conservation Authorities’ ability to appeal.

This would be hugely upsetting at any time, but to think this would be happening in a time of climate crisis, changing weather, and in the midst of the sixth mass extinction, being driven by human activity, absolutely boggles the imagination. In a time when we all need to be figuring out how to ensure the health of this planet, if only to ensure our own survival, not to mention the survival of other species, your cuts to the Conservation Authority’s powers is unconscionable.

I believe in the great value of the programs our Conservation Authorities have delivered and are delivering, at the community’s request, to the benefit of protection of our drinking water sources, protection of all life and property from natural hazards, and all the programs that support that work – including, but not limited to, rural extension and stewardship services that protect and improve forest and wetland conditions and reduce erosion impacts to environmental monitoring and local research that is needed to deliver flood forecasting and warning and watershed-wide programs to protect water quality and quantity, soil health, wildlife habitat, and conservation education, education of youth and the public on practices that help create increased watershed resiliency to deal with the effects of weather extremes and natural hazards.

Conservation authorities have been recognized as leaders in these needed programs for three quarters of a century. Who is better suited to protect our environment, biodiversity, the quality and quantity of our water, soil health, and habitat for ALL LIVING THINGS??????

Thank you for letting me share my concerns.