As a native North American. …

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As a native North American. I am against this move. You call it “growth” I call it a cancer. Look at history of what has occurred through time. In the early 1900’s the government brought in Irish, Italians and such. They were given the back breaking jobs. As time grew their generations prospered (which is good) but then they had to bring in another group (?) I remember that people from our “reserve” territory went to do these jobs next. Fruit picking, tobacco, production plants etc. We lifted up and now I don’t see our people doing those things. If anything the fruit farms sold out, closed up, sent the fruit to China to be processed and packed and sent back here. Fruit farms are now wineries, pushing alcoholism.
But getting back to my story.
I went west in 1980. Returning home occasionally to see family. Moved back after 23 years because my parents were telling me their health was failing. So I did.
I traveled around the area. Toronto being a bit over an hour away.
I noticed many things, heard many things about things that were not the same as when I left.
I left when the population of the country was around 20,000,000.
So the population grew wildly since that time. Now it was around 35,000,000 countrywide.
I drive around and see all the agricultural land being gobbled up and covered over by pavement,cement, buildings (homes) (offices) etc
Wondering how will we eat in the future if they keep doing that. Because they are not making anymore land to grow on.
I was hearing on the radio about issues that shouldn’t be. Toronto was shipping their garbage out to Michigan, they eventually closed the border to that if I heard right. Same with sludge. That also was sent to farmers fields to be spread over the land. A lot of uproar about that and can you blame them.
I also heard about hydro problems. They wanted people to go light on the system because they would need to go into brown outs if we couldn’t control our use.
Traffic was getting bad.
Air pollution water pollution land pollution it’s getting crazy.
I drove professionally and had to go to Toronto often. I saw a lot of “growth” happening. It’s still happening. It’s nuts to drive around because of the over abundance of people. So concentrated in a small area.
To me cities, towns, municipalities are like a cancer.
Let’s take it simple. Using small numbers to make it easier. 10 homes form a town they each make $100 a year and pay a $10 tax bill to the town. That leaves $90 to live for the year. One day the elected officials say they need more taxes because they (1) are giving themselves a raise (2) paying more for running the town, etc.
So they have to figure out how to pay for The extras. Charge the current 10 homes an extra fee (tax) or. Bring in more homes. And they don’t want to upset the current ones with more fees they chose to bring in more homes.
Like a cancer they need to keep feeding it. So it keeps getting bigger and bigger. It can’t stop because they don’t know how to live within their means. Yet they tell us to do so.
And the contractors are building cookie cutter homes. Fastly built with cheap products and sold high.
Then when the buyer goes back to the contractor about a problem. “Yea yea I’ll get on it.” But the owner has to hound them to fix it or it never gets done.
The country the world has become a rush rush society. Going no where fast.

So in conclusion. I say (1) stop the influx of people into turtle island (2) stop eating up good agricultural land (3) stop THE GREED. Slow down. We’re going to implode at this rate.

© smns