I agree with allowing and…

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I agree with allowing and densifying rental units in existing residential areas.

I do not agree with the province overruling the municipalities in their planning process. Municipalities and their planners know their own communities far better than the Provincial government. The provincial government is far insulated from municipal communities and lacks the expertise to make educated planning decisions for them.

I do not agree with dropping development charges. This sets a bad precedent akin to many bankrupt municipalities in the US that have been subject to excessive sprawl. When you keep sprawling ainggle family homes, the upkeep of that infrastructure for how low the density is becomes too expensive for municipalities to keep up with.

I do not agree with allowing developers to not have to provide public park land. This land can be used to plant native trees and vegetatiin which provides healthy communities and enhances biodiversity.

Overall, this deregulation is extremely aggressive and far too American-esque. I do not want to see bankrupt municipalities in Ontario. Right now our municipalities are very well run economically.

The ontario government needs to scale some of this back. I understand the Conservatives have developer alliances, but this is still way too far reach at the expense of the public, municipalities, planners, and ecologists. We need to work towards restoring existing developed land and strengthening the say of our professionals and experts.

Thank you.