I am completely against any…

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I am completely against any dimunition of, tradeoff of, or construction of housing in the Greenbelt.
Premier Ford reneges on his promises to protect the Greenbelt. Clearly his word is worthless. To add insult to injury...he claims there is a 'need' for this sprawl and blames it on 'immigration'.
There are very few printable things I can say about this. It is patronizing and wrong.
And he wants to fast track it so the ruin of the Greenbelt will take place before he is out of office. It is a contemptible policy that ignores the health and needs of the citizens of Ontario.

This misguided policy will not build sensibly planned multi family dwellings on land adjacent to existing cities, with existing infrastructure that can be expanded. It is a blatant land grab that is solely intended to benefit large landowners and big construction firms who contribute to the right politicians. Its object is to sell million dollar boxes in the middle of nowhere, supposedly to'immigrants' (a patronizing and possibly racist assumption).

Once this land is lost, once the water is fouled, it is too late. i've seen the incredibly ugly houses already being built miles from nowhere. They are oversized, overpriced, and have no amenities. Sensibly planned housing can be constructed in areas that are not essential to the health of rivers and that will not destroy the best farmland in the province; the Toronto Port Lands are a good example of this.

This horrible plan will not help immigrants. It will jeopardize our food and water supply to make rich people richer.

Mississauga is one of the ugliest concrete jungles I've ever seen. It was once mostly farmland. Putting Hazel McCallion in charge of the Greenbelt committee is a mistake. She should retire and stay that way.

Urban sprawl in the Greenbelt. will impact water, food, and air quality for millions of people and uncounted numbers of animals, birds, fish and insects that are essential for pollination and food and which are irreplaceable once gone. It will foul our water and air and reduce our food supply. There is no need to construct McMansions on prime farmland, wetlands, and the headlands of rivers. The ugly 'developments already mar much lovely farmland, well to the north of Toronto.
The Missisaugization of the Greenbelt must stop.

This is a horrible idea. It makes no sense. It must not happen.