Re: Environmental Registry…

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Re: Environmental Registry Posting # 019-2927 - Proposed Bill 23, More Homes Built Faster Act

As a 5th generation Ontarian working a lifetime in the development industry I find this proposed Act appalling in its callous disregard for our most pressing crisises of climate change, biodiversity loss and
decreased quality of life due to extreme population growth.

The Province should act responsibly in the interests of the planet and Ontarians by lobbying the Federal Government for substantially reduced immigration levels and focissing population growth in urban centres where ecological damage and the need for costly and inefficient road building is reduced.

Disturbingly, this proposed legislation overrides municipal powers related to planning of their own communities, lessens protection for natural heritage and wetlands, and may increase our exposure to flooding.

Protection of our remaining wetlands is critically needed to protect our communities against flooding and to improve water quality. Lessening their protection is retroactive and counter-productive. “Offsetting”, by replacing destroyed wetlands with replacements rarely if ever fully replicate the ecological functions of natural ones.

Flooding impacts are managed through thoughtful development, using local knowledge and in the context of local Official Plans. Ministerial intervention in development approvals short-circuits this local focus.

Site plan control authority is an important tool for municipal government to achieve larger community goals, especially when it comes to protecting water sources, reducing erosion, maintaining vegetative buffers on shorelines, and waterfront aesthetics. These powers should be maintained to preserve the livability and sustainability of our communities.

Provincial intervention (limits) on development charges and permit fees will hurt taxpayers long term
Where they exist in Ontario, Conservation Authorities provide valuable watershed management insights into all manner of proposals on the landscape; their commenting role should not be excluded from potentially harmful activities or undertakings under the Aggregate Resources Act, Condominium Act, Drainage Act, Endangered Species Act, Environmental Assessment Act, Environmental Protection Act, Ontario Water Resources Act and the Planning Act etc.

Please discontinue this damaging course of action of growth enabling highway construction, ecosystem plundering and decimation of prime agricultural lands.