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Find better solutions than ruining our environment for the benefit and profit of millionaires and billionaires. Stop ruining our natural resources and selling them to the highest bidder/friends of friends. This country used to be beautiful, but now you are treating it as though it is like any other country. We need this land to survive and be sustainable. Stop finding profit in our environment! This government has ruined our healthcare and education system and no longer will we sit by and watch greed win. It stops now!!! Start looking to how our government overspends and doesn't properly budget, yet continues to increase taxes as through there is actually a need for it. Stop paying the government workers such a ridiculous amount of money, if they cannot do their jobs and serve for their citizens. Our country is a democracy, yet the people in power are not acting or making choices for the greater good. Our future is being compromised by inconsiderate, greedy, unhappy people. Our country needs to get back to having morals, values and respecting the natural environment we have been blessed with.

This development does not need to be built and nobody should profit off of what this country stands for! We need to respect and appreciate the beauty that this land provides us. Respect the Indigenous Peoples’ land and stop repeating our nation’s history of greed, deceit, and a lack of empathy and understanding of those whose lives are being affected/ infinitely changed forever.