These conservation areas and…

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These conservation areas and the green belt must be protected at all costs. Southern Ontario already has to much pollution and has been taking valuable farm land and wildlife areas. We are in the middle of food crisis, why take away more precious farm land that feeds the community. Ontario farmer are the backbone of these areas, not only do the provide affordable food to the community they also play a major role in our economy.

Mental health is on a scary and drastic rise in Ontario. Did you know that being with nature actually has been prove to reduce mental health symptoms and stress level? These protect areas allow us a place to escape from civilization and relax.

On top of all of this where wildlife lives. We cannot displace them more. Do you want more Coyotes in your neighborhood? Attack your pets, children and family because we have taken away their land, the food source? I gre up in northern Ontario where this is a real threat that come from housing developments and the destruction of nature.

Just so the rich can benefit? Put up for house so more companies can make money?! This is ridiculous. These areas flood every year only causing issues for the people who purchases the homes. Water always find a way back. You cannot redirect it that is a short term fix. On that note CANADA has the most fresh water. That fresh water must be protected as it is our life line. We cannot live with out free h clean water. Putting houses here will only increase pollutions and decrease fresh water reservoirs.

Don’t be stupid Ford. Don’t go back on your word as you promised to not touch conversation areas which includes the green belt. You have destroyed Ontario enough.