This is a terrible policy…

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This is a terrible policy that only puts a bandaid on the gaping hole that is the housing crisis in Ontario.

Remove thousands of acres of protected lands to build homes that are capped at being 5% affordable. Most of these houses will remain outside the price range of the majority of Canadians and Ontarians. These will be purchased by foreign nationals or people who already own 2+ homes and simply want to rent more for $3000+ a month.

How is that supposed to help resolve the housing price surge and crisis?

That's without even going into the removal of the protected lands, further increasing the urban sprawl and climate change in the area. Moving out more and more is never going to be the solution. It simply makes the commutes longer, the environmental impact larger and increases costs to the City and province.

More roads to maintain, more sewers to upkeep and replace every 20 years or when they break and cause another sink hole, more power lines. More wildlife killed, more lands destroyed and polluted, more smog every year...that is what is coming for Toronto and surrounding areas.

It was in 2021 when the PC government said they would "We will not in any way entertain any proposals that will move lands in the Greenbelt, or open the Greenbelt lands to any kind of development" and yet here we are a year later.

No matter what Dougie said, there is enough land for housing. Ontario government’s own Housing Affordability Task Force delivered a report that said the same thing: “A shortage of land isn’t the cause of the problem,” for the housing crisis.