Your actions and decisions…

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Your actions and decisions make it clear that you DO NOT care about the people of Ontario, our environment or our future. You clearly only care about yourself and making your rich developer friends richer even if that means destroying protected lands like the green belt. Most Ontarian's are struggling to afford groceries and houses but you try and feed your lies that there is a housing crisis, there are more than enough houses it’s an affordability crisis!! You’ve let foreign money and your buddies get away with money laundering in our real estate market to the point where people who grew up in this province cant afford to live here anymore. The way that you treat the public sector workers (teachers, support workers, health care workers etc ) is truly disturbing. They workers are the back none of the workforce and play critical roles in supporting the people of this province.The fact that you are okay that our health care system & education system are in shambles truly shows your lack of care, empathy and vision.