Urban sprawl is not the…

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Urban sprawl is not the answer. Another highway is not the answer. These areas being developed on swamp lands will flood and likely be cheaply built McMansions. All it will take is one storm similar Hurricane Hazel to make these homes be unlivable. With more and more natural disaster occurences, this could happen sooner than we think.
We need culturally rich, diverse income, neighbourhoods all over Toronto.
We want walkable cities with new solutions. Why are we not building "homes in the sky" (2 story, 3-4 bedroom condos that are affordable options to detached homes) for lower income families in neighborhoods where school populations are shrinking. Why are we not developing spaces we already have? Why are we not creating parks on top of buildings?
Long commutes to the city is not the way of the future. We need to be building densely along subway lines. I'd like to see the government help with building costs for turning their homes into a multiplex or building an extra storey on commercial buildings. I want to see the city help buy up unused commercial spaces to create low income housing.
I want to see smaller storefronts being built to provide walkable options IN THE CITY WE ALREADY HAVE.
Our transportation infrastructure is just being built. We need to utilize this.
The east end is hardly developed and is a great place to add housing versus on the greenbelt.

Seeing this proposal hurt my heart. Doug has always promised not to touch the greenbelt. We know his friends own land around it. I'd hope someone who calls themselves a leader realizes the importance of legacy. What will people say about him in 200 years? You can either be remembered for saving our Greenbelt and finding amazing innovative ways to increase density or be forgotten and hated by the masses.

Please reconsider densifying that already sprawled area and using the roads and GO Train lines we already have. Please.