A new highway in the…

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A new highway in the greenbelt is a band-aid solution to "traffic" problems that would not exist if housing were more affordable and under control. At this time, many people can not afford to love where the work and therefore need to commute, often as a single person in a vehicle. Affordable housing would both take these people off the road during peak times and lessen the time and distance they need to drive. Proper public transport infrastructure would also dramatically decrease traffic on highways. Public transportation needs to be accessible, accommodating of those less able, affordable, and convenient. Ontario and Canada's public transportation infrastructure is so far behind from the rest of the first world its embarrassing. While there is more territory and less population than many other countries, it is no excuse to ignore basic necessities such as public transportation. Paving over incredibly rich and important green space is a lazy solution that would only be a temporary solution and provide temporary jobs. The loss of this greenbelt would result I drastically more problems than the plan hopes to fix. We don't need more highways where Ontarians have to drive past homes they could never even hope to afford on their ling daily commute to jobs that can barely afford them, all so they can try their best to afford to survive.