Hello, Premier Ford is…

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Premier Ford is continuing his path of destruction with this proposal to build more housing by flattening the protected wetlands. It reeks of cronyism but that is not unusual in regards to Premier Ford. Seems most things he does somehow line his and his cohorts pockets. Look at the LTC issues.

Why should we trust him to keep his word about the proposed replacement protected areas when he is breaking it now? Why do houses all have to be built around the GTA? There are many other spots in Ontario that are more suitable for development but those aren't owned by Premier Ford's pals.

There is concern that building over these protected wild areas will increase flood risks as these parcels absorb rain and snow. With our growing concerns about climate change isn't that more important than giving Premier Ford's buddies money to develop the tracts of land they bought in the hopes that he would do just what he is doing and has always done?

How do we stop someone who invokes the not-withstanding clause any time he isn't getting his own way? He strikes me as a petulant little boy - kinda like the former American president.

While all politics is give and take, it appears that Premier Ford is most interested in doing whatever is necessary to keep himself in power, get whatever he wants at whatever cost, and keep his friends and himself rich.