I was deeply disappointed to…

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I was deeply disappointed to learn of the Ontario Government's attempt to open up tracts of the greenbelt for development, and would urge you to reconsider this reprehensible proposal.

The stated rationale - addressing the lack of affordable housing in Ontario - would not be at all served by this proposal. There is no indication that the new development on these lands would be affordable. To the contrary, every indication is that such development would be the kind of cheaply built, overpriced, sprawling cookie cutter single family homes that have already destroyed so much of Southern Ontario. The answer to the affordable housing crisis is more density; we don't need to destroy precious agricultural and ecological sites to build more densely.

The absence of a connection between the stated rationale and the measures taken leads invariably conclusion that the Province is motivated by other factors. As has been reported, it is possible that one of those factors was the profits that this proposal will provide to Ford's developer buddies. (See link enclosed).

The green belt is invaluable and irreplacable. As we hurtle towards climate disaster, we should be preserving and, if anything, expanding it. Generations to come will rightly be ashamed of us if these changes proceed.