I do not support removing…

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I do not support removing land from the green belt in the Paris Galt Morraine.

Reducing green space to create more municipal sprawl is a short-sighted and ineffective approach to creating more housing. There is plenty of land available for infill development within the city boundaries of Guelph, Paris, and Cambridge/Galt, and this should be utilized first before destroying pristine natural land to build large single family homes.

We’ve known for a long time that this type of development is ineffective, expensive and selfish. Suburban sprawl is not an effective tax base for a municipality: this cost is borne by medium density, mixed use development in cities, such as where I live. I am absolutely not willing to have my property tax dollars subsidize the selfish interests of developers and the rich who want to live in single family homes in sprawled suburban neighbourhood that would destroy our ecosystem. If those homeowners had to bear the true cost of their environmental destruction, not a single one of those homes would sell.

Our earth is at a tipping point: if you care about this country at all and want us to have any chance of surviving the environmental changes that are already starting to occur, the time is now to consider millions of citizens safety and well-being and preserve their ability to live over the interests of a few rich developers.

Lastly, I would like to point out that there are already concerns being raised about the horrifying levels of corruption and nepotism that has occurred between the provincial
Conservative Party and these developers. If they are found out, and they will be, and the courts act justly, do you really want to be dealing with convoluted reality of having sold out land that rightfully belonged to the people to developers and destroying this? No, you do not, because the cost of repaying this is not something you want to incur.