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A friend just notified me that I am in your 'soon to become Greenbelt' zone and after doing some research, they were correct. I am livid that no one has taken any steps to notify us to this huge change to our property and lives! I do not have a tv or care to watch the news but I absolutely would have expected we would have been notified via mail or other means for such a huge proprosed change. Instead it appears to be trying to 'slip through' under the radar. Despicable!

I am adamantly AGAINST this "change in the Greenbelt". When we purchased our property more than 11 years ago a part of our decision was based on the fact that it was near BUT NOT IN the Greenbelt territory. Now you are proposing quite literally, pulling the rug out from under our feet. What a bait and switch! So now, every time we want to do anything on OUR property, which we own, which we pax taxes for, we will have to jump through hoop after hoop because some political sellout decided to slap a new label on us. Want to cut the grass? Better call the conservation authority. Want to rake the leaves? Better call..... Want to add an accessory structure? You can forget about that! It is beyond me how you can change our property's status after we have been here so long. I am utterly disgusted with the government officials' crooked motives (obviously they are getting padded pockets from developers profitting off this), their willingness to reneg on their promises to protect the greenbelt as it was, and their complete lack of notification or any consultation with those of us affected by their ridiculous changes. This was our forever home! We built it from the ground up completely ourselves. Quite literally our blood, sweat and tears went into it.
We hoped for it to remain in our family for generations. Knowing now the government can just take whatever it wants, when it wants it, all for its own gain means we will seriously ponder selling our beloved home, uprooting our 4 young children and aging parents (whom we just made an addition for and moved in here) and leaving this government far behind.

If you want to consider us "greenbelt" go ahead. But you should have to grant us all the same property rights, abilities and rules that we are currently under and NOT subject us to all the added rules being "greenbelt" is known for. A grandfathered in system so to speak. As a property in your newly designated greenbelt area is sold / purchased it could then be done so under the understanding it is being purchased in the greenbelt and will be subject to those rules. You should not get to drag us into confinement by those greenbelt rules when for lack of a better term 'we were here first'.