In the rationale for this…

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In the rationale for this revocation, under "Current Implementation Status" it says "this plan has been successful". Why revoke a successful plan? The plan is designed to preserve primary class 1 farmland that is essential for local food growth for our growing population. The plan is also successful in setting up viable communities such Seaton in the best way for people and the natural environment. The natural environment is valuable in and of itself, and it also ensures that our wetlands are preserved to prevent flooding and the natural cleaning of our waters.

The rationale for revocation is to "reduce and eliminate burdens by removing an additional layer of policy direction for this geography (sic)". It is unclear what burdons exist in this plan. The Plan is operative and development is underway. Revoking it will start the planning process all over again, which ultimately sounds more burdonsome.

The Central Pickering Development Plan is the culmination of a 50 year planning process. To just throw it out purely for the convenience and profit of one particular developer who owns land in the Duffin's Rouge Agricultural Preserve is both grotesque and absurd.

This action also is not supported by the Housing Affordability Task Force report which clearly states that the housing crisis is not caused by a shortage of developable lands.

I strongly urge the cancellation of the Revocation of the Central Pickering Development Plan.

Resident of north Pickering