I am against Bill 23 for a…

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I am against Bill 23 for a number of reasons. If this is approved it will have significant negative impacts on Ontario’s heritage, natural environment and the ability to adapt to climate change.

We don't need more homes built faster. We have plenty of land designated for housing currently. This land is not in the Greenbelt. We need affordable housing which includes rental housing. The province of Ontario has an obligation to all citizens. Destroying our preserved greenbelt to build faster is a short sighted solution for housing that also impacts the environment buffering our large cities.

This bill gives the province too much power. The province should not have the right to change municipal Official Plans or limit the public's right to appeal. Municipalities and local residents should have the ability to determine their Official Plans and the right to appeal development decisions. I am afraid rural municipalities in particular will be gravely affected by these decisions.

Living and growing up on a farm I am concerned about farmlands, wetlands and the greenbelt. The province must not remove current protections in place for farmland and our natural assets. Conservation Authorities have a long history of protecting our water supply. This bill takes away their power to protect the watershed in their area. Our wetlands will also be affected if development occurs in these areas included in the bill. If we don't have safe water supply there will be dire consequences for our and future generations. The bill also reduces protection of prime farm land that if developed will never be recovered. We need land to feed our citizens. During the pandemic it has highlighted the need that we need to be self-sufficient. The closer to citizens the less environmental impact growing and transporting our food has.

I would be happy to talk with you further about this if you have time. I urge you to stop Bill 23. It is not in the best interests of our current or future citizens, nor our environment and heritage.