It is so blatantly obvious…

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It is so blatantly obvious that the PC Government who holds power in Ontario are corrupt and indifferent to the public they are meant to serve that there is virtually no prospect this comment has any impact on their plans to enrich their donors. Thanks the the excellent reporting of the Toronto Star, the Globe and Mail, and The Walrus, we know that there is a "pay for play" arrangement between the PCPO and it's property developing mega donors. If the minister had a shred of dignity and self respect (let alone respect for the people of Ontario) he would withdraw this bill and resign his seat immediately. Sadly, the days of dignity and self respect among politicians of all stripes, but especially those who conserve nothing but the income stream from their donors, have long since sailed.

It simply amazes me that anyone would sign their name to a legacy of destroying crucial farming and wetlands for all the future generations of Ontarians. Perhaps the minister will see the light of his foley and withdraw this bill before it's too late, and every future Ontarian blames him personally for increased flooding, higher carbon emissions and resulting climate impacts, the obliteration of plant and animal habitats, and the increased costs of food?

Shame on you, Minister Clark. We know Doug Ford is corrupt and in the pocket of developers, a simpleton too self-interested to understand how history will remember him. We hoped better from you.