Its amazing the power of one…

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Its amazing the power of one mans perception (retired Kenora MNR employee). I put about 200 hours a year fishing walleye on Lake of the Woods from the Kenora side, I have not seen a decline in fishing what so ever, in fact, this past season was one of the best.
It also amazes me, but not surprising that netting, and commercial fishing are not mentioned once in ideas to help to revive this fishery "issue". Numerous times I have came upon nets with no markings, full of rotten fish, left for someone else to clean up when it washes to shore in the summer, or more common in the spring before ice out finding where nets have been pulled and noting hundreds of wasted, rotten walleye, and multiple other species laying on the ice. Why are they all not being utilized if these nets are for subsistence fishing? I've sent pictures to conservations officers, biologists with the MNR with a common answer. "We know its a problem but cant do anything about it". If these professionals with conservation in mind know its a problem, why isn't the real problems being addressed? Which is why its extremely frustrating that this proposed change only affects the license buying recreational fisherman. Our limits could be dropped by 2 fish each, but why not put some rules/limits on the ones who can fish year round uncontrolled?
Northern Ontario runs on tourism, I wish these families luck once this proposal gets pushed through. Not to mention all the spin off issues that will come as well.
Trapping, fishing, hunting, owning a firearm is becoming a laughing matter when you see what has been done, when will this end? I for one am concerned what my kids will be faced with by the time there 18 years old. What will the outdoors look like for the ones who contribute to licensing and conservation? Sad.