I missed my opportunity to…

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I missed my opportunity to comment on Bill 23 but I oppose removing CAs ability to enter into agreements and commenting services for municipalities under prescribed Acts and removing established test for considering the effects of pollution and conservation as key principles for permitting decisions under the CA Act. Many municipalities do not have technical professional staff expertise (ecologists, hydrogeologists) or data (monitoring, modelling, inventory, mapping) to inform management of natural hazard risk and although sediment is the leading consideration when considering the effects of pollution chlorides are becoming an increasing issue across southern Ontario. I am further concerned that many lower tier municipalities have not had an opportunity to include source drinking water considerations into their official plans. I also feel that the definition of wetland under the Conservation Authorities Act should be brought into alignment with the definition under the PPS.

With respect to the greenbelt, I am concerned with the purchase timing of many of the properties to be taken out of the greenbelt. Also as someone who grew up in a rural area, I am concerned with the lack of protection for agricultural land. The agricultural land in the GTHA provides an outsized portion of the vegetables and fruits compared to its land area. I am further concerned that greenfield lands in areas with low density requiremetns are being favoured over existing brownfields lands where municipal services (storm, sewer, water) are already in place and where density targets are higher.