Summary: I oppose any…

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Summary: I oppose any opening up of the Greenbelt to development. It must be preserved intact. 

Adding to the Greenbelt protected areas - Yes, that fits with the 2005 legislation. The Government of Ontario has the ability and fiduciary responsibility protect from development MORE areas for the health and food security of Ontario's Future. Add to the Greenbelt by all means. 

I can see NO JUSTIFICATION for opening the proposed currently existing Greenbelt protected areas for development. Development contravenes all the principles of the original Greenbelt purposes, values, and legislation. 

I repeat, there is no compelling reason for any amendments to the lands currently protected by the Greenbelt legislation. 

The Danger of opening any one part to development, as proposed, is that there will be pressure on other areas of the Greenbelt. Speculators and developers will pressure more Greenbelt "swaps" in aid of development. But swapping natural areas in one location for natural areas in another location goes against the spirit and reason for the 2005 Greenbelt legislation. Those reasons clearly stated in your own background paper published on this site (see supporting document)

According to the current government's own Housing Affordability Task Force earlier in 2022, "Greenbelts and other environmentally sensitive areas must be protected". 

Nothing material has changed since that report was published. Therefore, there is no need for the current legislation to proceed. To the Government of Ontario I say, "Keep your promise: Hands off the Greenbelt". 

Sufficient housing can be built on sites already existing or proposed in the recent Regional Official Plans submitted as required by the Government of Ontario in mid 2022. Those plans demonstrated a way forward with minimum urban sprawl. 

If the Government of Ontario genuinely wanted to build more homes faster, it would pay close attention to the Regional Official Plans. Many concerned citizens and experts shared their wisdom for a way forward that would protect farmland, environmentally sensitive areas and prevent future expensive maintenance and servicing (by municipalities) of urban sprawl infrastructure. 

Guaranteeing the developers will install the infrastructure does nothing to help municipalities continue to service the sprawl areas over time.  

Think long-term. How close do we want natural and recreational areas, food-producing farmland, and natural water control and purification systems to our urban areas? People become more aware and protective of lands that provide them with the elements of food, water, stress reduction, and recreation. We need to preserve these areas and add to them for future residents of Ontario. 

Thank you for considering my submission as a citizen of Ontario deeply concerned about the province our great grandchildren will inherit from policies and actions we take today.